This program is experimental and its interface is subject to change.


nix profile upgrade - upgrade packages using their most recent flake


nix profile upgrade [option...] elements...


  • Upgrade all packages that were installed using an unlocked flake reference:

    # nix profile upgrade --all
  • Upgrade a specific package by name:

    # nix profile upgrade hello
  • Upgrade all packages that include 'vim' in their name:

    # nix profile upgrade --regex '.*vim.*'


This command upgrades a previously installed package in a Nix profile, by fetching and evaluating the latest version of the flake from which the package was installed.


This only works if you used an unlocked flake reference at installation time, e.g. nixpkgs#hello. It does not work if you used a locked flake reference (e.g. github:NixOS/nixpkgs/13d0c311e3ae923a00f734b43fd1d35b47d8943a#hello), since in that case the "latest version" is always the same.


  • --all

    Match all packages in the profile.

  • --profile path

    The profile to operate on.

  • --regex pattern

    A regular expression to match one or more packages in the profile.

Common evaluation options

  • --arg name expr

    Pass the value expr as the argument name to Nix functions.

  • --arg-from-file name path

    Pass the contents of file path as the argument name to Nix functions.

  • --arg-from-stdin name

    Pass the contents of stdin as the argument name to Nix functions.

  • --argstr name string

    Pass the string string as the argument name to Nix functions.

  • --debugger

    Start an interactive environment if evaluation fails.

  • --eval-store store-url

    The URL of the Nix store to use for evaluation, i.e. to store derivations (.drv files) and inputs referenced by them.

  • --impure

    Allow access to mutable paths and repositories.

  • --include / -I path

    Add path to search path entries used to resolve lookup paths

    This option may be given multiple times.

    Paths added through -I take precedence over the nix-path configuration setting and the NIX_PATH environment variable.

  • --override-flake original-ref resolved-ref

    Override the flake registries, redirecting original-ref to resolved-ref.

  • --debug

    Set the logging verbosity level to 'debug'.

  • --log-format format

    Set the format of log output; one of raw, internal-json, bar or bar-with-logs.

  • --print-build-logs / -L

    Print full build logs on standard error.

  • --quiet

    Decrease the logging verbosity level.

  • --verbose / -v

    Increase the logging verbosity level.

Miscellaneous global options

  • --help

    Show usage information.

  • --offline

    Disable substituters and consider all previously downloaded files up-to-date.

  • --option name value

    Set the Nix configuration setting name to value (overriding nix.conf).

  • --refresh

    Consider all previously downloaded files out-of-date.

  • --repair

    During evaluation, rewrite missing or corrupted files in the Nix store. During building, rebuild missing or corrupted store paths.

  • --version

    Show version information.

Options that change the interpretation of installables

  • --expr expr

    Interpret installables as attribute paths relative to the Nix expression expr.

  • --file / -f file

    Interpret installables as attribute paths relative to the Nix expression stored in file. If file is the character -, then a Nix expression will be read from standard input. Implies --impure.


See man nix.conf for overriding configuration settings with command line flags.