

The following people and organisations have contributed to make this effort possible:


Many thanks to past contributors, who helped make Nix documentation what it is today:

  • @infinisil helped lead the team between 2022-11 and 2024-05. During that time he provided diligent technical reviews of countless contributions, reworked the contribution guides for Nixpkgs, and rewrote his module system tutorial for publication.

  • @olafklingt volunteered on the team from 2022-10 to 2024-05, and was a formal member between 2022-10 and 2024-05. He added an introduction to NixOS virtual machines and greatly simplified the tutorial on NixOS VM tests, and kept them up to date. Both articles enjoy great popularity and are central elements of our tutorial series.

  • @brianmcgee was part of the team from 2023-03 to 2023-10 and contributed to the Learning Journey Working Group effort.

  • @zmitchell led the Learning Journey Working Group from 2023-03 to 2023-08 that added a number of tutorials. He published regular updates on developments in documentation in that period.

  • @Mic92 was a founding member and part of the team from 2022-05 to 2023-01. Jörg had written a great deal of documentation on the NixOS Wiki, and shared his experience to set a direction for the documentation team.

  • @domenkozar was a founding member and part of the team from 2022-05 to 2023-01. Domen originally started, wrote many basic tutorials, and funded editorial work through Cachix. He helped bootstrap the documentation team, handed out permissions, and advised us on many aspects. Domen donated to the NixOS Foundation 2023-07.