2. Module system deep dive#

Or: Wrapping the world in modules

In this tutorial you will follow an extensive demonstration of how to wrap an existing API with Nix modules.

2.1. Overview#

This tutorial follows @infinisil’s presentation on modules (source) for participants of Summer of Nix 2021.

It may help playing it alongside this tutorial to better keep track of changes to the code you will work on.

2.1.1. What will you learn?#

You’ll write modules to interact with the Google Maps API, declaring module options which represent map geometry, location pins, and more.

During the tutorial, you will first write some incorrect configurations, creating opportunities to discuss the resulting error messages and how to resolve them, particularly when discussing type checking.

2.1.2. What do you need?#

You will use two helper scripts for this exercise. Download map.sh and geocode.sh to your working directory.


To run the examples in this tutorial, you will need a Google API key in $XDG_DATA_HOME/google-api/key.

2.2. The empty module#

Write the following into a file called default.nix:

{ ... }:


2.3. Declaring options#

We will need some helper functions, which will come from the Nixpkgs library, which is passed by the module system as lib:

- { ... }:
+ { lib, ... }:


Using lib.mkOption, declare the scripts.output option to have the type lines:

 { lib, ... }: {

+ options = {
+   scripts.output = lib.mkOption {
+     type = lib.types.lines;
+   };
+ };


The lines type means that the only valid values are strings, and that multiple definitions should be joined with newlines.


The name and attribute path of the option is arbitrary. Here we use scripts, because we will add another script later, and call this one output, because it will output the resulting map.

2.4. Evaluating modules#

Write a new file eval.nix to call lib.evalModules and evaluate the module in default.nix:

  nixpkgs = fetchTarball "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/tarball/nixos-23.11";
  pkgs = import nixpkgs { config = {}; overlays = []; };
pkgs.lib.evalModules {
  modules = [

Run the following command:


This will result in an error.

nix-instantiate --eval eval.nix -A config.scripts.output
Detailed explanation

nix-instantiate --eval parses and evaluates the Nix file at the specified path, and prints the result. evalModules produces an attribute set where the final configuration values appear in the config attribute. Therefore we evaluate the Nix expression in eval.nix at the attribute path config.scripts.output.

The error message indicates that the scripts.output option is used but not defined: a value must be set for the option before accessing it. You will do this in the next steps.

2.5. Type checking#

As previously mentioned, the lines type only permits string values.


In this section, you will set an invalid value and encounter a type error.

What happens if you instead try to assign an integer to the option?

Add the following lines to default.nix:

 { lib, ... }: {

  options = {
    scripts.output = lib.mkOption {
      type = lib.types.lines;

+ config = {
+   scripts.output = 42;
+ };

Now try to execute the previous command, and witness your first module error:

$ nix-instantiate --eval eval.nix -A config.scripts.output
       error: A definition for option `scripts.output' is not of type `strings concatenated with "\n"'. Definition values:
       - In `/home/nix-user/default.nix': 42

The definition scripts.output = 42; caused a type error: integers are not strings concatenated with the newline character.

To make this module pass the type checks and successfully evaluate the scripts.output option, you will now assign a string to scripts.output.

In this case, you will assign a shell command that runs the map script in the current directory. That in turn calls the Google Maps Static API to generate a world map. The output is passed on to display it with feh, a minimalistic image viewer.

Update default.nix by changing the value of scripts.output to the following string:

   config = {
-    scripts.output = 42;
+    scripts.output = ''
+      ./map.sh size=640x640 scale=2 | feh -
+    '';

2.6. Interlude: reproducible scripts#

That simple command will likely not work as intended on your system, as it may lack the required dependencies (curl and feh). We can solve this by packaging the raw map script with pkgs.writeShellApplication.

First, make available a pkgs argument in your module evaluation by adding a module that sets config._module.args:

 pkgs.lib.evalModules {
   modules = [
+    ({ config, ... }: { config._module.args = { inherit pkgs; }; })


This mechanism is currently only documented in the module system code, and that documentation is incomplete and out of date.

Then change default.nix to have the following contents:

{ pkgs, lib, ... }: {

  options = {
    scripts.output = lib.mkOption {
      type = lib.types.package;

  config = {
    scripts.output = pkgs.writeShellApplication {
      name = "map";
      runtimeInputs = with pkgs; [ curl feh ];
      text = ''
        ${./map.sh} size=640x640 scale=2 | feh -

This will access the previously added pkgs argument so we can use dependencies, and copy the map file in the current directory into the Nix store so it’s available to the wrapped script, which will also live in the Nix store.

Run the script with:

nix-build eval.nix -A config.scripts.output

To iterate more quickly, open a new terminal and set up entr to re-run the script whenever any source file in the current directory changes:

nix-shell -p entr findutils bash --run \
  "ls *.nix | \
   entr -rs ' \
     nix-build eval.nix -A config.scripts.output --no-out-link \
     | xargs printf -- \"%s/bin/map\" \
     | xargs bash \
   ' \

This command does the following:

  • List all .nix files

  • Make entr watch them for changes. Terminate the invoked command on each change with -r.

  • On each change:

    • Run the nix-build invocation as above, but without adding a ./result symlink

    • Take the resulting store path and append /bin/map to it

    • Run the executable at the path constructed this way

2.7. Declaring more options#

Rather than setting all script parameters directly, we will to do that through the module system. This will not just add some safety through type checking, but also allow to build abstractions to manage growing complexity and changing requirements.

Let’s begin by introducing another option, requestParams, which will represent the parameters of the request made to the Google Maps API.

Its type will be listOf <elementType>, which is a list of elements of one type.

Instead of lines, in this case you will want the type of the list elements to be str, a generic string type.

The difference between str and lines is in their merging behavior: Module option types not only check for valid values, but also specify how multiple definitions of an option are to be combined into one.

  • For lines, multiple definitions get merged by concatenation with newlines.

  • For str, multiple definitions are not allowed. This is not a problem here, since one can’t define a list element multiple times.

Make the following additions to your default.nix file:

     scripts.output = lib.mkOption {
       type = lib.types.package;
+    requestParams = lib.mkOption {
+      type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str;
+    };

  config = {
    scripts.output = pkgs.writeShellApplication {
      name = "map";
      runtimeInputs = with pkgs; [ curl feh ];
      text = ''
        ${./map.sh} size=640x640 scale=2 | feh -
+    requestParams = [
+      "size=640x640"
+      "scale=2"
+    ];

2.8. Dependencies between options#

A given module generally declares one option that produces a result to be used elsewhere, in this case scripts.output.

Options can depend on other options, making it possible to build more useful abstractions.

Here, we want the scripts.output option to use the values of requestParams as arguments to the ./map script.

2.8.1. Accessing option values#

To make option values available to a module, the arguments of the function declaring the module must include the config attribute.

Update default.nix to add the config attribute:

-{ pkgs, lib, ... }: {
+{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }: {

When a module that sets options is evaluated, the resulting values can be accessed by their corresponding attribute names under config.


Option values can’t be accessed directly from the same module.

The module system evaluates all modules it receives, and any of them can define a particular option’s value. What happens when an option is set by multiple modules is determined by that option’s type.


The config argument is not the same as the config attribute:

  • The config argument holds the result of the module system’s lazy evaluation, which takes into account all modules passed to evalModules and their imports.

  • The config attribute of a module exposes that particular module’s option values to the module system for evaluation.

Now make the following changes to default.nix:

   config = {
     scripts.output = pkgs.writeShellApplication {
       name = "map";
       runtimeInputs = with pkgs; [ curl feh ];
       text = ''
-        ${./map} size=640x640 scale=2 | feh -
+        ${./map} ${lib.concatStringsSep " "
+          config.requestParams} | feh -

Here, the value of the config.requestParams attribute is populated by the module system based on the definitions in the same file.


Lazy evaluation in the Nix language allows the module system to make a value available in the config argument passed to the module which defines that value.

lib.concatStringsSep " " is then used to join each list element from the value of config.requestParams into a single string, with the list elements of requestParams separated by a space character.

The result of this represents the list of command line arguments to pass to the ./map script.

2.9. Conditional definitions#

Sometimes, you will want option values to be, well, optional. This can be useful when defining a value for an option is not required, as in the following case.

You will define a new option, map.zoom, to control the zoom level of the map. The Google Maps API will infer a zoom level if no corresponding argument is passed, a situation you can represent with the nullOr <type>, which represents values of type <type> or null. This does not automatically mean that when the option isn’t defined, the value of such an option is null – we still need to define a default value.

Add the map attribute set with the zoom option into the top-level options declaration, like so:

     requestParams = lib.mkOption {
       type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str;
+    map = {
+      zoom = lib.mkOption {
+        type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.int;
+        default = null;
+      };
+    };

To make use of this, use the mkIf <condition> <definition> function, which only adds the definition if the condition evaluates to true. Make the following additions to the requestParams list in the config block:

     requestParams = [
+      (lib.mkIf (config.map.zoom != null)
+        "zoom=${toString config.map.zoom}")

This will only add a zoom parameter to the script invocation if the value of config.map.zoom is not null.

2.10. Default values#

Let’s say that in our application we want to have a different default behavior that sets the zoom level to 10, such that automatic zooming has to be enabled explicitly.

This can be done with the default argument to mkOption. Its value will be used if the value of the option declaring it is not specified otherwise.

Add the corresponding line:

     map = {
       zoom = lib.mkOption {
         type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.int;
+        default = 10;

2.11. Wrapping shell commands#

You have now declared options controlling the map dimensions and zoom level, but have not provided a way to specify where the map should be centered.

Add the center option now, possibly with your own location as default value:

         type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.int;
         default = 10;
+      center = lib.mkOption {
+        type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.str;
+        default = "switzerland";
+      };

To implement this behavior, you will use the geocode utility, which turns location names into coordinates. There are multiple ways of making a new package accessible, but as an exercise, you will add it as an option in the module system.

First, add a new option to accommodate the package:

   options = {
     scripts.output = lib.mkOption {
       type = lib.types.package;
+    scripts.geocode = lib.mkOption {
+      type = lib.types.package;
+    };

Then define the value for that option where you make the raw script reproducible by wrapping a call to it in writeShellApplication:

   config = {
+    scripts.geocode = pkgs.writeShellApplication {
+      name = "geocode";
+      runtimeInputs = with pkgs; [ curl jq ];
+      text = ''exec ${./geocode.sh} "$@"'';
+    };
     scripts.output = pkgs.writeShellApplication {
       name = "map";
       runtimeInputs = with pkgs; [ curl feh ];

Add another mkIf call to the list of requestParams now where you access the wrapped package through config.scripts.geocode, and run the executable /bin/geocode inside:

       (lib.mkIf (config.map.zoom != null)
         "zoom=${toString config.map.zoom}")
+      (lib.mkIf (config.map.center != null)
+        "center=\"$(${config.scripts.geocode}/bin/geocode ${
+          lib.escapeShellArg config.map.center
+        })\"")

This time, you’ve used escapeShellArg to pass the config.map.center value as a command-line argument to geocode, string interpolating the result back into the requestParams string which sets the center value.

Wrapping shell command execution in Nix modules is a helpful technique for controlling system changes, as it uses the more ergonomic attributes and values interface rather than dealing with the peculiarities of escaping manually.

2.12. Splitting modules#

The module schema includes the imports attribute, which allows incorporating further modules, for example to split a large configuration into multiple files.

In particular, this allows you to separate option declarations from where they are used in your configuration.

Create a new module, marker.nix, where you can declare options for defining location pins and other markers on the map:

{ lib, config, ... }: {


Reference this new file in default.nix using the imports attribute:

 { pkgs, lib, config, ... }: {

+  imports = [
+    ./marker.nix
+  ];

2.13. The submodule type#

We want to set multiple markers on the map. A marker is a complex type with multiple fields.

This is where one of the most useful types included in the module system’s type system comes into play: submodule. This type allows you to define nested modules with their own options.

Here, you will define a new map.markers option whose type is a list of submodules, each with a nested location type, allowing you to define a list of markers on the map.

Each assignment of markers will be type-checked during evaluation of the top-level config.

Make the following changes to marker.nix:

-{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }: {
+{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }:
+  markerType = lib.types.submodule {
+    options = {
+      location = lib.mkOption {
+        type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.str;
+        default = null;
+      };
+    };
+  };
+in {
+  options = {
+    map.markers = lib.mkOption {
+      type = lib.types.listOf markerType;
+    };
+  };

2.14. Defining options in other modules#

Because of the way the module system composes option definitions, you can freely assign values to options defined in other modules.

In this case, you will use the map.markers option to produce and add new elements to the requestParams list, making your declared markers appear on the returned map – but from the module declared in marker.nix.

To implement this behavior, add the following config block to marker.nix:

+  config = {
+    map.markers = [
+      { location = "new york"; }
+    ];
+    requestParams = let
+      paramForMarker =
+        builtins.map (marker: "$(${config.scripts.geocode}/bin/geocode ${
+          lib.escapeShellArg marker.location})") config.map.markers;
+    in [ "markers=\"${lib.concatStringsSep "|" paramForMarker}\"" ];
+  };


To avoid confusion with the map option setting and the final config.map configuration value, here we use the map function explicitly as builtins.map.

Here, you again used escapeShellArg and string interpolation to generate a Nix string, this time producing a pipe-separated list of geocoded location attributes.

The requestParams value was also set to the resulting list of strings, which gets appended to the requestParams list defined in default.nix, thanks to the default merging behavior of the list type.

When defining multiple markers, determining an appropriate center or zoom level for the map may be challenging; it’s easier to let the API do this for you.

To achieve this, make the following additions to marker.nix, above the requestParams declaration:

+    map.center = lib.mkIf
+      (lib.length config.map.markers >= 1)
+      null;
+    map.zoom = lib.mkIf
+      (lib.length config.map.markers >= 2)
+      null;
     requestParams = let
       paramForMarker = marker:

In this case, the default behavior of the Google Maps API when not passed a center or zoom level is to pick the geometric center of all the given markers, and to set a zoom level appropriate for viewing all markers at once.

2.15. Nested submodules#

Next, we want to allow multiple named users to define a list of markers each.

For that you’ll add a users option with type lib.types.attrsOf <subtype>, which will allow you to define users as an attribute set, whose values have type <subtype>.

Here, that subtype will be another submodule which allows declaring a departure marker, suitable for querying the API for the recommended route for a trip.

This will again make use of the markerType submodule, giving a nested structure of submodules.

To propagate marker definitions from users to the map.markers option, make the following changes.

In the let block:

+  userType = lib.types.submodule {
+    options = {
+      departure = lib.mkOption {
+        type = markerType;
+        default = {};
+      };
+    };
+  };
 in {

This defines a submodule type for a user, with a departure option of type markerType.

In the options block, above map.markers:

+    users = lib.mkOption {
+      type = lib.types.attrsOf userType;
+    };

That allows adding a users attribute set to config in any submodule that imports marker.nix, where each attribute will be of type userType as declared in the previous step.

In the config block, above map.center:

   config = {

-    map.markers = [
-      { location = "new york"; }
-    ];
+    map.markers = lib.filter
+      (marker: marker.location != null)
+      (lib.concatMap (user: [
+        user.departure
+      ]) (lib.attrValues config.users));

     map.center = lib.mkIf
       (lib.length config.map.markers >= 1)

This takes all the departure markers from all users in the config argument, and adds them to map.markers if their location attribute is not null.

The config.users attribute set is passed to attrValues, which returns a list of values of each of the attributes in the set (here, the set of config.users you’ve defined), sorted alphabetically (which is how attribute names are stored in the Nix language).

Back in default.nix, the resulting map.markers option value is still accessed by requestParams, which in turn is used to generate arguments to the script that ultimately calls the Google Maps API.

Defining the options in this way allows you to set multiple users.<name>.departure.location values and generate a map with the appropriate zoom and center, with pins corresponding to the set of departure.location values for all users.

In the 2021 Summer of Nix, this formed the basis of an interactive multi-person map demo.

2.16. The strMatching type#

Now that the map can be rendered with multiple markers, it’s time to add some style customizations.

To tell the markers apart, add another option to the markerType submodule, to allow labeling each marker pin.

The API documentation states that these labels must be either an uppercase letter or a number.

You can implement this with the strMatching "<regex>" type, where <regex> is a regular expression that will accept any matching values, in this case an uppercase letter or number.

In the let block:

         type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.str;
         default = null;
+      style.label = lib.mkOption {
+        type = lib.types.nullOr
+          (lib.types.strMatching "[A-Z0-9]");
+        default = null;
+      };

Again, types.nullOr allows for null values, and the default has been set to null.

In the paramForMarker function:

     requestParams = let
+      paramForMarker = marker:
+        let
+          attributes =
+            lib.optional (marker.style.label != null)
+            "label:${marker.style.label}"
+            ++ [
+              "$(${config.scripts.geocode}/bin/geocode ${
+                lib.escapeShellArg marker.location
+              })"
+            ];
+        in "markers=\"${lib.concatStringsSep "|" attributes}\"";
+      in
+        builtins.map paramForMarker config.map.markers;

Note how we now create a unique marker for each user by concatenating the label and location attributes together, and assigning them to the requestParams. The label for each marker is only propagated to the CLI parameters if marker.style.label is set.

2.17. Functions as submodule arguments#

Right now, if a label is not explicitly set, none will show up. But since every users attribute has a name, we could use that as an automatic value instead.

This firstUpperAlnum function allows you to retrieve the first character of the username, with the correct type for passing to departure.style.label:

{ lib, config, ... }:
+  # Returns the uppercased first letter
+  # or number of a string
+  firstUpperAlnum = str:
+    lib.mapNullable lib.head
+    (builtins.match "[^A-Z0-9]*([A-Z0-9]).*"
+    (lib.toUpper str));

   markerType = lib.types.submodule {
     options = {

By transforming the argument to lib.types.submodule into a function, you can access arguments within it.

One special argument automatically available to submodules is name, which when used in attrsOf, gives you the name of the attribute the submodule is defined under:

-  userType = lib.types.submodule {
+  userType = lib.types.submodule ({ name, ... }: {
     options = {
       departure = lib.mkOption {
         type = markerType;
         default = {};
-  };

In this case, you don’t easily have access to the name from the marker submodules label option, where you otherwise could set a default value.

Instead you can use the config section of the user submodule to set a default, like so:

+    config = {
+      departure.style.label = lib.mkDefault
+        (firstUpperAlnum name);
+    };
+  });

 in {


Module options have a priority, represented as an integer, which determines the precedence for setting the option to a particular value. When merging values, the priority with lowest numeric value wins.

The lib.mkDefault modifier sets the priority of its argument value to 1000, the lowest precedence.

This ensures that other values set for the same option will prevail.

2.18. The either and enum types#

For better visual contrast, it would be helpful to have a way to change the color of a marker.

Here you will use two new type-functions for this:

  • either <this> <that>, which takes two types as arguments, and allows either of them

  • enum [ <allowed values> ], which takes a list of allowed values, and allows any of them

In the let block, add the following colorType option, which can hold strings containing either some given color names or an RGB value add the new compound type:

     (builtins.match "[^A-Z0-9]*([A-Z0-9]).*"
     (lib.toUpper str));

+  # Either a color name or `0xRRGGBB`
+  colorType = lib.types.either
+    (lib.types.strMatching "0x[0-9A-F]{6}")
+    (lib.types.enum [
+      "black" "brown" "green" "purple" "yellow"
+      "blue" "gray" "orange" "red" "white" ]);
   markerType = lib.types.submodule {
     options = {
       location = lib.mkOption {

This allows either strings that match a 24-bit hexadecimal number or are equal to one of the specified color names.

At the bottom of the let block, add the style.color option and specify a default value:

           (lib.types.strMatching "[A-Z0-9]");
         default = null;
+      style.color = lib.mkOption {
+        type = colorType;
+        default = "red";
+      };

Now add an entry to the paramForMarker list which makes use of the new option:

               (marker.style.label != null)
             ++ [
+              "color:${marker.style.color}"
               "$(${config.scripts.geocode}/bin/geocode ${
                 lib.escapeShellArg marker.location

In case you set many different markers, it would be helpful to have the ability to change their size individually.

Add a new style.size option to marker.nix, allowing you to choose from the set of pre-defined sizes:

         type = colorType;
         default = "red";
+      style.size = lib.mkOption {
+        type = lib.types.enum
+          [ "tiny" "small" "medium" "large" ];
+        default = "medium";
+      };

Now add a mapping for the size parameter in paramForMarker, which selects an appropriate string to pass to the API:

     requestParams = let
       paramForMarker = marker:
+          size = {
+            tiny = "tiny";
+            small = "small";
+            medium = "mid";
+            large = null;
+          }.${marker.style.size};

Finally, add another lib.optional call to the attributes string, making use of the selected size:

           attributes =
               (marker.style.label != null)
+            ++ lib.optional
+              (size != null)
+              "size:${size}"
             ++ [
               "$(${config.scripts.geocode}/bin/geocode ${

2.19. The pathType submodule#

So far, you’ve created an option for declaring a departure marker, as well as several options for configuring the marker’s visual representation.

Now we want to compute and display a route from the user’s location to some destination.

The new option defined in the next section will allow you to set an arrival marker, which together with a departure allows you to draw paths on the map using the new module defined below.

To start, create a new path.nix file with the following contents:

{ lib, config, ... }:
  pathType = lib.types.submodule {
    options = {
      locations = lib.mkOption {
        type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str;
  options = {
    map.paths = lib.mkOption {
      type = lib.types.listOf pathType;
  config = {
    requestParams =
        attrForLocation = loc:
          "$(${config.scripts.geocode}/bin/geocode ${lib.escapeShellArg loc})";
        paramForPath = path:
            attributes =
              builtins.map attrForLocation path.locations;
          ''path="${lib.concatStringsSep "|" attributes}"'';
      builtins.map paramForPath config.map.paths;

The path.nix module declares an option for defining a list of paths on our map, where each path is a list of strings for geographic locations.

In the config attribute we augment the API call by setting the requestParams option value with the coordinates transformed appropriately, which will be concatenated with request parameters set elsewhere.

Now import this new path.nix module from your marker.nix module:

 in {

+  imports = [
+    ./path.nix
+  ];
   options = {

     users = lib.mkOption {

Copy the departure option declaration to a new arrival option in marker.nix, to complete the initial path implementation:

         type = markerType;
         default = {};
+      arrival = lib.mkOption {
+        type = markerType;
+        default = {};
+      };

Next, add an arrival.style.label attribute to the config block, mirroring the departure.style.label:

     config = {
       departure.style.label = lib.mkDefault
         (firstUpperAlnum name);
+      arrival.style.label = lib.mkDefault
+        (firstUpperAlnum name);

Finally, update the return list in the function passed to concatMap in map.markers to also include the arrival marker for each user:

     map.markers = lib.filter
       (marker: marker.location != null)
       (lib.concatMap (user: [
-        user.departure
+        user.departure user.arrival
       ]) (lib.attrValues config.users));

     map.center = lib.mkIf

Now you have the basis to define paths on the map, connecting pairs of departure and arrival points.

In the path module, define a path connecting every user’s departure and arrival locations:

   config = {
+    map.paths = builtins.map (user: {
+      locations = [
+        user.departure.location
+        user.arrival.location
+      ];
+    }) (lib.filter (user:
+      user.departure.location != null
+      && user.arrival.location != null
+    ) (lib.attrValues config.users));
     requestParams = let
       attrForLocation = loc:
         "$(geocode ${lib.escapeShellArg loc})";

The new map.paths attribute contains a list of all valid paths defined for all users.

A path is valid only if the departure and arrival attributes are set for that user.

2.20. The between constraint on integer values#

Your users have spoken, and they demand the ability to customize the styles of their paths with a weight option.

As before, you’ll now declare a new submodule for the path style.

While you could also directly declare the style.weight option, in this case you should use the submodule to be able reuse the path style type later.

Add the pathStyleType submodule option to the let block in path.nix:

 { lib, config, ... }:
+  pathStyleType = lib.types.submodule {
+    options = {
+      weight = lib.mkOption {
+        type = lib.types.ints.between 1 20;
+        default = 5;
+      };
+    };
+  };
   pathType = lib.types.submodule {


The ints.between <lower> <upper> type allows integers in the given (inclusive) range.

The path weight will default to 5, but can be set to any integer value in the 1 to 20 range, with higher weights producing thicker paths on the map.

Now add a style option to the options set further down the file:

     options = {
       locations = lib.mkOption {
         type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str;
+      style = lib.mkOption {
+        type = pathStyleType;
+        default = {};
+      };


Finally, update the attributes list in paramForPath:

       paramForPath = path:
           attributes =
-            builtins.map attrForLocation path.locations;
+            [
+              "weight:${toString path.style.weight}"
+            ]
+            ++ builtins.map attrForLocation path.locations;
         in "path=\"${lib.concatStringsSep "|" attributes}\"";

2.21. The pathStyle submodule#

Users still can’t actually customize the path style yet. Introduce a new pathStyle option for each user.

The module system allows you to declare values for an option multiple times, and if the types permit doing so, takes care of merging each declaration’s values together.

This makes it possible to have a definition for the users option in the marker.nix module, as well as a users definition in path.nix:

 in {
   options = {
+    users = lib.mkOption {
+      type = lib.types.attrsOf (lib.types.submodule {
+        options.pathStyle = lib.mkOption {
+          type = pathStyleType;
+          default = {};
+        };
+      });
+    };
     map.paths = lib.mkOption {
       type = lib.types.listOf pathType;

Then add a line using the user.pathStyle option in map.paths where each user’s paths are processed:

+      style = user.pathStyle;
     }) (lib.filter (user:
       user.departure.location != null
       && user.arrival.location != null

2.22. Path styling: color#

As with markers, paths should have customizable colors.

You can accomplish this using types you’ve already encountered by now.

Add a new colorType block to path.nix, specifying the allowed color names and RGB/RGBA hexadecimal values:

 { lib, config, ... }:

+  # Either a color name, `0xRRGGBB` or `0xRRGGBBAA`
+  colorType = lib.types.either
+    (lib.types.strMatching "0x[0-9A-F]{6}([0-9A-F]{2})?")
+    (lib.types.enum [
+      "black" "brown" "green" "purple" "yellow"
+      "blue" "gray" "orange" "red" "white"
+    ]);
   pathStyleType = lib.types.submodule {

Under the weight option, add a new color option to use the new colorType value:

         type = lib.types.ints.between 1 20;
         default = 5;
+      color = lib.mkOption {
+        type = colorType;
+        default = "blue";
+      };

Finally, add a line using the color option to the attributes list:

           attributes =
               "weight:${toString path.style.weight}"
+              "color:${path.style.color}"
             ++ map attrForLocation path.locations;
         in "path=${

2.23. Further styling#

Now that you’ve got this far, to further improve the aesthetics of the rendered map, add another style option allowing paths to be drawn as geodesics, the shortest “as the crow flies” distance between two points on Earth.

Since this feature can be turned on or off, you can do this using the bool type, which can be true or false.

Make the following changes to path.nix now:

         type = colorType;
         default = "blue";
+      geodesic = lib.mkOption {
+        type = lib.types.bool;
+        default = false;
+      };

Make sure to also add a line to use that value in attributes list, so the option value is included in the API call:

               "weight:${toString path.style.weight}"
+              "geodesic:${lib.boolToString path.style.geodesic}"
             ++ map attrForLocation path.locations;
         in "path=${

2.24. Wrapping up#

In this tutorial, you’ve learned how to write custom Nix modules to bring external services under declarative control, with the help of several new utility functions from the Nixpkgs lib.

You defined several modules in multiple files, each with separate submodules making use of the module system’s type checking.

These modules exposed features of the external API in a declarative way.

You can now conquer the world with Nix.