Further reading#
Nix language tutorials#
Nix language one-pager reference (Vincent Ambo, 2019-2021)
Overview of common language features and widely used idioms.
A tour of Nix (Joachim Schiele, 2015-2022)
Interactive exercises with the Nix language.
Video: Nix language overview (Wil Taylor, 2021)
Overview of language features.
Video: Reading the Nix language (Jonas Chevalier, 2019)
Introduction to reading Nix language code.
Video: How and Why it Works (Graham Christensen, 2019)
Introduction to writing derivations.
Other articles#
A low-level tutorial on building software packages with Nix, showing in detail how Nixpkgs is constructed.
Customizing packages in Nix (2022)
An overview of different methods to customize Nix packages.
Manage your dot files with Home Manager (Mattia Gheda, 2021)
A tutorial for getting started with Home Manager.
A series of posts on basics of how packaging with Nix works.
NixOS and Flakes - An unofficial book for beginners (2023)
This tutorial is an introduction to NixOS using the experimental Nix Flakes functionality.
Other videos#
Nixology (Burke Libbey, 2020)
Video series introducing fundamental Nix concepts.
The Nix Hour (Silvan Mosberger, since 2022)
Weekly series exploring topics and answering questions from all around the Nix ecosystem.
Nixpkgs (Jon Ringer, 2020-22)
Video series with tutorials on various activities around Nixpkgs.
NixOS (Wil Taylor, 2021)
Series of tutorials on getting started with NixOS.
The official NixOS Foundation channel.
Recordings of NixCon talks and discussions.